Tuesday, June 27, 2006


NAEM Lake Michigan Chapter Event

September 28, 2006

NAEM Green Summit
Green Building * Green Energy * Green Meeting
The Benefits of Greening your Organization

Date and Time: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Location: The Chicago Center for Green Technology --
445 North Sacramento Boulevard, Chicago, IL
For Directions and public transport option, click link below http://www.cityofchicago.org/Environment/GreenTech/

11:30 - 12:00: Registration
12:00 - 12:45: Green Lunch with Introduction by Kimberly Worthington, Deputy Director of the City of Chicago Department of Environment
12:45 - 1:00: NAEM Updates, Emily Barton
1:00 - 3:00: Green Speakers
-Penny Knops, Director, Green Building Services, DOMANI, Inc. - Green Building/LEED 101
-Rik Master, Manager, Architectural Systems, USG Corporation - Green Building and Materials
-Mike Johnson, Renewable Energy Project Manager. City of Chicago - Green Energy Projects
-Kathy Loftus, Whole Foods, Invited - Green Energy Products
-Target Corporation, Invited - Green Building Projects including Green Roofs 3:00 - 4:00: Networking and Guided Tour of the Center for Green Technology

Cost: Members: $25; Non-Members: $35 (Lunch and tour will be provided)
Payment accepted at the meeting by cash or check, no credit cards. Receipts provided.

Register with Michelle Redfield at Michelle.L.Redfield@saic.com or (312) 395-1802
Registration Deadline: September 22, 2006. Please indicate any dietary restrictions.

Renewable Energy Credits have been donated by Three Phases Energy (www.3phases.com) to help ensure that our meeting will be Carbon Neutral.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


June 22, 2006 EC Minutes

NAEM Lake Michigan Chapter EC Minutes

June 22, 2006
Attendees: Emily Barton, Kristin Meek, Michelle Redfield, Bill Tokash, Judi Wasilewski

Agenda Items

-NAEM Updates

-Treasurer/Secretary role transitions

-Elections next election June 2007

-Next Meeting

-Future Meetings

-Schedule 3 set dates and venues at the beginning of the year and communicate early 2007

-Next EC (Executive Committee) Meetings - second Tuesday of every month, 1 p.m., next EC meeting August 8th, f2f before 9/28/06 meeting, next f2f 1/9/07 (strategy session for 2007)

-Financial Update - dues from National for 2006 (contact Carol)

-Website www.naemlm.blogspot.com up and running

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


NAEM Lake Michigan Chapter

Welcome to the recently created NAEM (National Association of EHS Management) Lake Michigan Chapter Webpage.

On this Webpage you can access the following from the links on the left navigation pane:

1. The NAEM National Chapter Website

2. The NAEM Lake Michigan Discussion Group
- Join this Email Discussion group to stay connected to current events and discussions that affect members of the Lake Michigan Chapter.

3. The NAEM Events Calendar
- View both Chapter Events and National NAEM Events on a monthly calendar

NAEM, the Premier Association for EHS Management, is a non-profit, non-partisan educational association dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) management.

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