Friday, February 23, 2007


2/14/07 Meeting Minutes

2/14/07 Meeting Minutes

Attendees - Michelle Redfield, Kristin Meek and Emily Barton

April 18 - Climate Change (meets annual meeting requirement)
City building with good public transport
Potential Speakers - Howard Learner, CCX, Rick Saines, Corporate Speaker (BP? ComEd?), Invite Cool Globes

July 18 - IIT (discuss MS trends -- OSHAS18000, ANSI z10, ISO28000), People-Based Safety

September 26 - Morton Arboretum w/ tram tour
Topic TBD

Other Topic Ideas - methods for root cause analysis and trending (risk management), alternative energy/fuel programs, wetland restorations/habitat, working with communities/community outreach, invite organization looking for sponsorships, etc., trends in EHS profession, nanotechnology effect on the environment

$12,507 in the bank
Follow up with Carol on 2006 ann 2007 disbursements
Agree to maintain ~$5000 in the account
Buy MS Money and Quicken if necessary - otherwise, excel is fine
What to do with our money - scholarships (talk to George ~$2000), energy offsets for meetings, shoreline cleanup, future cities, membership development, pay fro tram tour

Solicit nominations with the meeting notice for 4/18
If no one is nominated, slate of officers will be sent out as an announement
Send first meeting notice by snail and email

Membership Development
Each EC member will contact a new member. Emily will distribute names
Distribute list of potential member companies and contact from National, funnel contacts up through Emily

Our next meeting
Let's get back to our old schedule - 2nd tuesdays of every month at 1 p.m. - 877-825-8522, code 3806453. Next meeting is March 13th.

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